Do you really know God?

Yesterday and today, my bible studies have confronted me with the idea that I may know about God, but not really know him. When asked questions about what He has done in my life, I struggle to think of an example, but I know there are millions. I am excited about God. I love God. I want more and more to study His Word. I believe I am being convicted of having some head knowledge, but very little heart knowledge. I need to go to the living room and leave the kitchen (reference Having a Mary Spirit in a Martha World. Do you really know God in your heart?

Lord, I pray that you will penetrate and fill my heart as you have filled my mind so that I may fully experience and share the full measure of your glory and power. I want to be changed by you completely. I want my entire life to be a testament to your glory. Amen.


Warren Baldwin said...

I linked here from Seed Thoughts. Good questions in this post. I deal with them all the time! I think knowing God means his ethic begins to permeate our heart and thoughts. When you are confronted with a challenge, or temptation, and ask, "What would God have me to do here? How can I best reflect his nature," that shows indication that he is truly living in you, and you are living in him. Why? Because you aren't just facing life from your own perspective, but from his. You want his will to work through you. This thought helps me at times when I wonder about the nature of my relationship with him. Good probing question and post here.

Joshuaville, USA said...

it's good to see that i'm not alone!

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