Bible Study

I only have three weeks left of a bible study at my church. This study has truly been a blessing and opened my eyes to so many aspects of God, faith, and me. It is Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself. I highly recommend it to women and men alike.

I am in search of a bible study to begin once this one concludes. Please leave a comment. What has your favorite personal bible study been and why?


aundie said...

I don't know if this will help, but she has written several devotionals. I like them because there is reading and question / answer for each day. I did the one about Jesus, I know there is also one about David as well as others I can't think of right now. I'll be sad when bible study is over too... it has been sooo good for me as well.

Bonnie said...

I'm embarrassed to admit I have never actually particapated in an official bible study but,I did enjoy "The Jesus Style" by Gayle Erwin. It has a bible study in the back and it is a completely fresh look at Christ, it's funny but really shows us how far short we wall from being like Jesus.

Joshuaville, USA said...

beth moore does a study on esther. i haven't done her study, but my mom has and loved it. I read a book by chuck swindoll called the secret life of esther, and found it fascinating. i also read a book on david, which is another book of the swindoll series. The thing i like about studying other people's lives from the bible, is that it helps me examine my life in accordance to theirs. Not that i'm judging them, but i pay attention to what they did that pleased God, and what they did that grieved the spirit.

Heather said...

Any Beth Moore! I love her Esther study, there's some deep digging on throwing off your baggage and living freely in Breaking Free, A Woman's Heart...Jesus my One and Only...... Seek and you shall find....keeping seeking Him, and He will reveal himself. romans 12:1-2

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